Local United Ways across Connecticut are dedicating the week of April 24th as Act For ALICE Week to raise awareness of ALICE households in our state.
Nearly 40% of Connecticut households live paycheck-to-paycheck, defined as ALICE families – an acronym that stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These families work hard at the jobs available to them, but still struggle to make ends meet.
Each day we provided quick actions you can take to advocate for what matters to ALICE. Today, we encourage you to choose your own activity!
Take the challenge
You are about to put yourself in the shoes of a typical ALICE family with the ”Making Touch Choices” Challenge. Click here to get started.
Search for volunteer opportunities with United Way of Western Connecticut! Visit: www.uwwesternct.org/volunteerism.
Thank you for standing with ALICE this week! To stay updated with your advocacy efforts throughout the year, click here.