The Stamford Food Collaborative publishes and regularly updates A Guide to Accessing Food in Stamford in multiple languages: English (PDF) Español (PDF)
This guide was last updated in October 2024.
Person to Person
For those who cannot go to the pantry due to medical or transportation issues, home deliveries can be booked by calling (203) 655-0048. Deliveries are on Tuesdays. Drop off time between 1:30 and 2:30pm.
Catholic Charities Senior Nutrition Program Meals on Wheels
(203) 324-6175 | www.ccfairfield.org/programs/senior- nutrition
Receiving referrals for their Meals on Wheels program for homebound seniors, 60+ years. Delivers pre-packaged single or double meals up to 7 days per week. Reviews new referrals on a case-by-case basis.
2009 Summer Street, Stamford, CT 06905
(203) 324-6584 | www.silversource.org
Weekly grocery delivery for seniors 60+ who are homebound with no resources. Referrals to social work team.
Professional referrals:
Stamford Public Schools: Free School Meals!
Breakfasts and lunches are free for all students enrolled in Stamford Public Schools for the 2022-2023 school year -- no forms or applications required!
Filling in the Blanks
(203) 750-0019 | www.fillingintheblanks.org/register-for-meals
Distributes weekend meal bags directly to children. Works with schools, after-school programs, and summer camps in towns across Fairfield and Westchester Counties. Children who qualify for the free/reduced meal program, are part of the ALICE population or are identified as in need by schools are eligible. To find out how to register your child, volunteer, or donate, please contact info@fillingintheblanks.org
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is a federal nutrition program that provides eligible households with a monthly benefit that they can use like cash to buy food at participating grocery stores and other places that accept EBT.
For more information, or to find out if you qualify, visit the CT Department of Social Services website at portal.ct.gov or call the End Hunger Connecticut! confidential hotline, on the page to the right.
End Hunger Connecticut! SNAP Call Center | www.endhungerct.org
End Hunger Connecticut!’s bilingual (English/ Spanish) SNAP Call Center offers free assistance for applications, redeterminations, and more related to SNAP seven days a week with flexible appointments. Call toll-free at 866-974-SNAP (7627). For more info, to check hours, or to use our free online prescreener, visit www.ctsnap.org. If you are prompted to leave a voicemail, please leave your name and best phone number and we will return your call. Also learn about free summer meals, SNAP-doubling at farmers’ markets, and more at www.endhungerct.org.
(203) 977-4385
Currently all appointments are by phone. Call and leave a message with your name and number.
Services: Individual time to speak with a nutritionist or trained professional about your or your child’s diet; breastfeeding support and information; referrals to health care and other social services: an eWIC card to buy healthy food for you or your children.
Eligibility: Pregnant women (through pregnancy and up to 6 weeks after birth or after pregnancy ends); breastfeeding women (up to infant’s 1st birthday); non- breastfeeding postpartum women (up to 6 months after the birth of an infant or after pregnancy ends); infants** (up to 1st birthday); children** up to their 5th birthday. **fathers, grandparents, foster parents or guardians may apply.
Requirements: Must live in Connecticut, but you do not need to be a U.S. citizen; complete a nutrition assessment with WIC staff; must meet the WIC income guidelines which are set at or below 185% of the federal poverty income limit.
Most provide shelf-stable food and fresh foods.
Connecticut Foodshare Mobile Pantries
203-741-9752 www.ctfoodshare.org (click on: “Find Help”)
Text FOODSHARE to 85511 for information about Connecticut Foodshare's mobile pantries. Answer the simple prompts to have the schedule and locations near you sent right to your phone. Once you are opted-in, Connecticut Foodshare will also text cancellations and schedule changes.
The Connecticut Foodshare Mobile Food Pantry schedule is subject to change; check the website for updates. Currently the schedule is as follows:
Bethel AME Church
150 Fairfield Ave., Stamford Every other Friday from 1-2pm
NORWALK: Macedonia Church @ Ben Franklin
61 Bayview Ave., Norwalk
Every other Friday from 9:30-10:15am
NORWALK: Ben Franklin Pre-School
165 Flax Hill Rd., Norwalk
Every 4th Saturday of the month from 9:30-10:30am
Eligibility: Anyone Requirements: None Frequency of visits: Weekly
New Covenant Center
174 Richmond Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT
(203) 964-8228 | www.newcovenantcenter.org
Open: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:30am–3:30pm; Friday, 10:30am–2pm
Eligibility: Open to low-income residents in Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, & Greenwich
Requirements: Pantry Applications—Wednesdays from 11am–2pm. Proof of identification (state-issued ID or passport; birth certificate for children without photo ID) for each member in household; proof of address (rent receipt or utility bill); proof of income (paystub, unemployment award letter)
Frequency of Visits: Monthly by appointment
Faith Tabernacle Church Food Pantry
29 Grove Street, Stamford, CT 06901
(203) 348-8755 x14 | www.faithtabct.org
Open: Thursday, 7:30am - 10:30am
Eligibility: Anyone
Requirements: Proof of address
Frequency of Visits: Weekly
Schilo Food Pantry Program
Schilo Seventh-Day Adventist Church 977 Hope Street, Stamford, CT 06907
(203) 293-8256 www.facebook.com/ schilofoodpantry/
Open: Every 2nd Sunday of the month at 2:00pm
Eligibility: Fairfield County residents
Requirements: Must complete intake application
Frequency of visits: Once a month
Person to Person
www.p2phelps.org | (203) 655-0048
Must call for an appointment.
Stamford residents can also visit P2P's Darien location. For those who cannot go to the pantry due to medical or transportation issues, home deliveries can be booked by calling (203) 655-0048. Deliveries are Monday—Friday. Drop off time between 1:30pm-2:30pm.
Monday: 11am-1pm, Yerwood Center; 2-4pm, Stamford Manor
Tuesday: 11am-1pm, Ferguson Library South End Branch; 2-4pm, Quintard Terrace
Wednesday: 11am-1pm, DOMUS; 2-4pm, ICCNY
Thursday: 11am-1pm Yerwood Center; 2-4pm, Building One Community (new location at 417 Shippan Ave.)
Friday: 11am-3pm, DOMUS
Eligibility & Requirements: Open to residents in need of food living in Stamford, Darien, New Canaan, Norwalk, Westport, Weston, Wilton. Call (203) 655-0048 for an appointment and necessary documents to bring
Frequency of Visits: Every 28 Days
Neighbor to Neighbor
248 East Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT 06830 www.ntngreenwich.org
Open: Monday - Friday 8:00am-1:00pm; Wednesday 3:30-6:30pm; Thursday 3:30-6:30pm; Saturday 8:30am - 1:00pm
Eligibility & Requirements: Social service agency referral
Frequency of Visits: Weekly
The Revival House Food Pantry
980 Hope Street, Stamford, CT 06902
Open: Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 9am-1pm
Eligibility: The need for food
Requirements: None
Frequency of visits: A weekly visit usually provides enough food for 4 days.
The Salvation Army of Stamford
198 Selleck Street, Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 359-2320 | Website
Open: Monday & Wednesday, 10 am-1 pm
Eligibility: Stamford residents in need of food Requirements: Must fill out an application; bring picture ID and proof of address (rental lease & other piece of mail with address)
Frequency of Visits: Once a month
Schoke Jewish Family Services
196 Greyrock Place, Stamford, CT 06901
(203) 921-4161 x133 | www.ctjfs.org
Open: Monday & Tuesday, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm; Other times available by appointment
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food; must be a CT resident
Requirements: Must complete intake application Frequency of Visits: Once a month
Food: Kosher and halal food available
Wilson Memorial Church of God
164 Richmond Hill Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 557-9807
Open: Thursday, 1 - 2 pm. Sign up for a ticket starts at 9 am.
Eligibility: Anyone in need of food
Requirements: Must have a ticket—Tickets are handed out at 9 am
Frequency of Visits: Weekly
Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County
461 Glenbrook Road, Stamford, CT 06906
(203) 358-8898 | www.foodbanklfc.org
The Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County provides food to any qualified non-profit agency in a six town area of Fairfield County (Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, Norwalk, Stamford, Wilton) that serves low income people through congregate meals or bags of groceries.
Catholic Charities Senior Nutrition Program
(203) 324-6175 www.ccfairfield.org/programs/ senior-nutrition-program
For individuals 60+
Jewish Community Center
1035 Newfield Avenue
Monthly luncheon meal at 12 pm
$6 suggested donation
Stamford Senior Center
888 Washington Boulevard
Lunch Monday - Friday from 11:30 am - 2 pm
$5 suggested donation
Over 60 Club
628 Main Street
Lunch Monday - Friday at 12 pm
$4 suggested donation
New Covenant Center Café
174 Richmond Hill Ave., Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 964-8228 | www.newcovenantcenter.org
- Continental Breakfast: Tuesday–Saturday, 10:30–11:30am
- Lunch: Daily, 12:30-1:30pm
- Dinner: Monday–Saturday, 4:30-5:30pm
End Hunger Connecticut! SNAP Call Center
End Hunger Connecticut!’s bilingual (English/Spanish) SNAP Call Center offers free assistance for applications, redeterminations, and more related to SNAP seven days a week with flexible appointments. Call toll-free at 866-974-SNAP (7627). For more info, to check hours, or to use our free online prescreener, visit www.ctsnap.org. If you are prompted to leave a voicemail, please leave your name and best phone number and we will return your call.
Fairgate Farm
129 Stillwater Ave., Stamford, CT 06902
(203) 940-2305 www.fairgatefarm.com
(Bus #321 stops right in front of Fairgate Farm) Volunteer-powered urban farm growing fruits and vegetables where volunteers can take a share of the harvest. Seasonal Pay-What-You-Can farm market where local produce can be purchased at affordable prices on Thursdays from 11am-2pm and Saturdays from 9am-1pm. SNAP EBT cards accepted and value doubled! All are welcome. Please visit website for more information on volunteering, market, and hours.
Filling in the Blanks
Distributes weekend meal bags directly to children year-round. Works directly with schools, after-school programs, community centers, and summer camps in towns across Fairfield County. Children who receive this program qualify/receive the free and reduced lunch program, are part of the ALICE population, are identified as in need by schools are eligible, or are a family looking for extra nutrition over the weekend. To register your child, go to http://www.fillingintheblanks.org/register-for-meals.
Food Rescue US
(800) 280-3298 x10 www.foodrescue.us
Food Rescue US - Fairfield County engages volunteers through our web-based app to directly transfer fresh, excess food from grocers, restaurants, schools, farms and other food donors to social service agencies that work with clients experiencing food insecurity. Contact fairfieldcounty@foodrescue.us if you would like to volunteer, if your organization would like to receive food, or if you are a food donor and have excess food you would like to donate.
Stamford Public Schools
SUMMER: Free summer meals are available every weekday from June to late August for all children aged 18 and under, no questions asked. Hundreds of sites around Connecticut will be serving breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. To find a distribution site near you, visit www.ctsummermeals.org, call 211, or text SUMMER MEALS to 914-342-7744.
SCHOOL YEAR: Breakfast and lunch are FREE for any students enrolled in Stamford Public Schools. Household applications are not required to receive free meals, but interested families can complete the Household Income Suvey to receive a fee reduction waiver letter for participation in programs such as summer camps. For more information, contact Audrey Wey at (203) 977-1177.
For more information, or to donate food, please contact the agencies directly or call United Way at (203) 883-0879. For more information about community resources, please dial 2-1-1 or visit www.211ct.org.
Learn more and donate to the Stamford Food Collaborative. You can also donate directly to the organizations listed on this guide. You can browse current available volunteer opportunities by visiting the United Way Volunteer Portal. You can also reach out directly to the organizations listed in this guide to ask about volunteering.