United Way of Western Connecticut is pleased to announce this month’s Hometown Hero! Meet Joan Laucius, a local leader from Sherman, Connecticut who has been nominated for her work with the Matthew 25 Project.
Joan is known in her community for giving back. Having grown up in a family committed to volunteering, she’s worn different hats and been involved in many projects within her community. Throughout the years Joan has served as President of her local SPTO, served on the Board of the Sherman Library and eventually became President through a transition, served on the board of the non-profit Julia’s Wings, was appointed to the Commission on Aging, currently serves on the regional Deer Pond Farm board of Connecticut Audubon, and has been an active volunteer with the Matthew 25 Project and assuming the role of President over the past eight years.
The Matthew 25 Project is a non-profit organization focused on responding to the needs of community members facing financial hardship, specifically providing direct assistance for food and fuel. The mission is focused on serving older adults or those who fall into the category we identify as ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, and Employed) in the Sherman area. The organization receives referrals through social services and forms a connection to provide the aide needed all while remaining confidential.
Sharon Danosky, who nominated Joan, said, “While all of this is impressive, the biggest impact comes from her 8 years of service as the President of Matthew 25.” She continued, “Joan has assumed the responsibility [of] raising funds for the organization every year, preparing the referrals for the board's review, and ensuring that the funds needed are getting to the recipients who need them. She has made a huge and lasting impact on the town.”

Congratulations, Joan! Your commitment to serving your community is what makes you a Hometown Hero.
Do you know someone in your community who has made an impact? Recognize the unsung heroes who make a difference in your town or city by nominating them to be a Hometown hero. To fill out the form, click here.