In celebration of our 80th Anniversary, United Way of Western Connecticut is launching Small Business United. This network will work to unite small businesses looking to do good within the 15-town region of Stamford, Greater Danbury, and Greater New Milford.
Since our founding in 1942, small businesses have supported our organization’s work to build stronger communities. Through Small Business United, businesses will have the opportunity do more, while also gaining visibility and access to a new customer base, ALICE® (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). ALICE households live paycheck-to-paycheck, making above the federal poverty line but often not enough to afford the basic necessities like food, rent, and transportation.
Our President, Isabel Almeida, spoke about the significance of this new initiative saying “We have a long history of partnering and working with small businesses in our community, but we’ve never formalized that relationship. Small Business United provides an infrastructure for like-minded small businesses to come together, network, and leverage their collective power to make an impact across Western Connecticut.”
Small Business United offers three levels of partnership, starting with annual commitments as low as $365 or $1 per day. Membership is tiered based off a business’ employee count, capping annual commitments at $1,460 or $4 per day. Businesses that join Small Business United will have access to networking opportunities, brand visibility, and an opportunity to reach new customers through a digital marketplace called Prosperi-Key. The partnership investment supports United Way’s work to fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community. Every dollar invested in Small Business United empowers low-to-moderate-income families to thrive.
Ashley Gaudiano, Vice President of Resource Development and Marketing, discussed the need for a network like this in our area. “We spoke with dozens of small businesses over the past year who already give back in their community and yet still want to do more,” she said. “For many business owners, the ALICE population that we serve resonates with them. They know ALICE as a neighbor, a child’s teacher, the cashier at their local supermarket, or even their own family. We see Small Business United as a resource for businesses to act individually, while also coming together as a group to drive change for families living paycheck-to-paycheck.”
Interested in learning more? To sign up for Small Business United contact Nicole Albohn at Nicole.albohn@unitedwaycwc.org or 203-241-7495.