About the Danbury Collective
The Danbury Collective is a cradle-to-career collective impact, community-led initiative dedicated to ensuring that all children and families in Danbury have full and equal access to opportunities to be successful in life. It is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change. It is a movement of people impacted by and impacting a challenge who share power, trust, resources, and effort to achieve a common purpose. Collective work contributes to building and sustaining the civic infrastructure necessary to improve outcomes and close gaps from cradle to career. The Danbury Collective has convened a diverse group of community members, parents, nonprofits, school leadership, and municipal leadership to explore the systems and processes that benefit the children and families of the Danbury community and have looked at data to guide the undertaking of key initiatives to support the growth and development of Danbury’s children. The work of the Danbury Collective will be based on listening to student, parent, and community voices to determine the root causes of differences in opportunities enabling all to thrive and become successful by removing conditions adversely affecting educational equity.
United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut serves as the backbone fiduciary of the Danbury Collective, providing funding, fiduciary services, managing back-office operations, and supporting strategic success through thought partnership and collaboration.
To express commitment to the Danbury Collective, you may view and sign our Membership Agreement HERE (En español & Em português).
Collective Impact is an approach to achieve system change through the collaboration of community members, organizations, and institutions. The five principles of Collective Impact are:
- Common Agenda
- Shared Measurement
- Mutually Reinforcing Activities
- Continuous Communication
- Backbone Support
The Danbury Collective is a new member of the StriveTogether Cradle to Career Network, the country’s largest network of over 70 place-based partnerships working to help every child succeed in school and in life, regardless of race, ethnicity, zip code or circumstance. StriveTogether offers a collective impact approach and a well-regarded Theory of Action, emphasizing four key pillars: a Shared Community Vision, Evidence-Based Decision Making, Collaborative Action, and Investment Sustainability. This affiliation seeks to enhance the collective impact efforts of the Danbury Collective through the adoption of these proven principles. To learn more about StriveTogether, visit their website at www.strivetogether.org.
To learn more about the Danbury Collective – including our history and current organizational structure – and about Collective Impact, look at this Overview Document. What do some of these terms mean? Learn more about “systems change”, “equity”, and “collective impact” HERE.
We recently published an Attendance Toolkit and Family Brochure, to help support families and students in attending school regularly. Our goal is to reduce chronic absenteeism through a communication campaign, sharing resources to support families, and elevate families’ and students’ voices regarding learner engagement. Take a look at our resources here and please distribute them to families. If you would like someone from the Danbury Collective to provide a training to your group, email melissa.hannequin@unitedwaycwc.org.
Melissa Hannequin, Executive Director
Advisory Council Leadership
Co-Chairs: Katie Curran & Kara Prunty
Vice Chair: Grace Molina
Danbury Parent Representatives, Danbury Community
Chairs, Working Groups, Danbury Collective
Superintendent, Danbury Public Schools
Board of Education Chair or Proxy, Danbury Public Schools/City of Danbury
Mayor or Proxy, City of Danbury
President & CEO, United Way of Coastal and Western CT (Backbone)
President & CEO, CT Institute for Communities
Executive Director, Community Action Agency of Western CT
Outreach Director, Danbury Public Library
Director of Health & Human Services, Danbury Dept. of Public Health
Director Family, School & Community Partnerships, Danbury Public Schools
Educators & Current Teacher and Building Leader, Danbury Public Schools
Executive Director, Danbury Collective
Working Groups
Chronic Absenteeism and Learner Engagement
Co-Chairs: Anne Mead, Danbury Public Schools & Yazin Shilleh, DanburyWORKS
Early Childhood Education
Co-Chair: Liz Quinonez, United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut
Youth Mental Health
Co-Chair: Fernanda Carvalho, Danbury Department of Health & Human Services
- Who is part of Danbury Collective?
The Danbury Collective is a “cradle-to-career" collective impact, community-led organization dedicated to ensuring that all children and families in Danbury have full and equitable access to opportunities to be successful and thrive in life. We are a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating our actions to achieve systems level change. We are a movement of people impacted by and impacting a challenge, who share power, trust, resources, and effort to achieve a common purpose: led by the community, we work together to foster positive, measurable, and sustainable outcomes for Danbury children and families.
We are comprised of more than 30 individual community members, community non-profit organizations, and Danbury institutions, including but not limited to: City of Danbury Office of the Mayor, Danbury Public Schools, Community Action Agency of Western Connecticut, Connecticut Institute for Communities, Danbury Public Library, and the New American Dream Foundation. To view the full list of Danbury Collective members, click here. If you would like to become a member of the Collective, please view and sign our Membership Agreement HERE.
- What is the leadership structure of Danbury Collective?
Danbury Collective is staffed with an Executive Director. It has an Advisory Council that provides targeted governance and strategic guidance to the collective, including outreach and advocacy, resource development, backbone staff support, and organizational oversight.
- I am a parent. Can I get involved? What would be my role?
Yes! If you want to help improve outcomes for children and youth, you are welcome. If you want to share your ideas about how education can improve in Danbury, you are welcome. We want and need parents to get involved – you have firsthand experience with your children’s education and we want to know what your kids need. Collective impact works when parents, educators, youth, and community members share their voices at the same table as representatives from organizations and institutions.
If you join, you can expect to participate in collective meetings every few months. You can also join a Working Group about a specific focus area (chronic absenteeism and learner engagement, early childhood education, and youth mental health), and work on implementing a plan to improve specific outcomes.
- I notice a strong presence of Danbury Public Schools in the Danbury Collective. Is this an initiative of Danbury Public Schools? Does Danbury Collective only work with K-12, public-school students?
Danbury Collective aims to ensure that all children and families have full access to opportunities to be successful in life. Our work supports children from birth to young adulthood – “cradle to career” – and we hope to impact children in all educational settings (public, private, home school, and early childhood).
Danbury Collective is not a direct initiative of Danbury Public Schools; but, given that Danbury Public Schools is a core service provider for children in Danbury, they are a core partner to the Danbury Collective. We have a strong relationship with the Schools Superintendent, Family, School and Community Partnerships, Board of Education, and citywide PTO. Danbury Public Schools holds seats equal to other community entities on our Advisory Council.
- Does Danbury Collective operate direct service programs?
No. However, many of our partner organizations operate direct service programs to Danbury community members. Danbury Collective is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change.
- Are there any other Collective Impact movements in Connecticut?
Yes! There are four other movements across the state: Bridgeport Prospers, Norwalk ACTS, Stamford Cradle to Career, and Waterbury Bridge to Success.
- How is Danbury Collective funded?
We received a seed grant from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation in December 2022. The grant comes from NMEF’s Advancing Community-School Partnerships grant fund, and is provided over an 18-month period. The Collective welcomes prospective funders who are interested in learning more about and supporting our work!
- What is Danbury Collective’s relationship with the United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut?
United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut serves as the “backbone” of the Danbury Collective, providing funding, fiduciary services, managing back-office operations, and supporting strategic success through thought partnership and collaboration.
Alana Wilson’s Helping Hands Village
Brave Enough to Fall
CIFC Health
City of Danbury Health & Human Services
City of Danbury Mayor's Office
Civility Home Care
Community Action Agency of Western CT
Connecticut Institute for Communities, Inc (CIFC)
Cora's Kids
Danbury Public Library
Danbury Public Schools
Danbury Public Schools – Citywide PTO
Danbury School Readiness Council
Danbury Student and Business Connection (DSABC)
Danbury Youth Services
Families Network of Western CT, Inc.
Family & Children's Aid
Family Resource Center Morris Street School
The New American Dream Foundation
REACH Western CT
Regional Y of Western CT
Saint Joseph Parenting Center
United Way of Coastal and Western Connecticut
Western Connecticut Regional Adult & Continuing Education (WERACE)
Isabel Almeida*
Laury Barruos
Tiara Brandon
Elké Calero Sweeney*
Adam Carley*
Fernanda Carvalho*
Tara Carvalho*
Interim Superintendent Kara Casimiro*
Gina Cassetta
Michelle Coelho*
Kate Conetta
Eileen Costello*
Yuleidy Cruz*
Katie Curran* (Advisory Council Co-Chair)
Heather Fotheringham
Susan Giglio*
Melissa Hannequin* (Executive Director)
Robyn Hoffman*
Michelle James*
Richard Jannelli
Aadit Jerfy
Alexis Koukos*
Joan Laucius*
Alex Lunding
Chrissy Maruffi
William McNamara*
Anne Mead*
Olga Mejia
Indira Meza*
Tammy Mikadze
Grace Molina (Advisory Council Vice Chair)
Emanuela Palmares*
Crystal Perkins-Danmola*
Kara Prunty* (Advisory Council Co-Chair)
Carmen Prybylski*
Elizabeth Quiñonez
Rick Raucci*
Lidia Santini*
Maruja Saquicela
Kevin Sghia
Patricia Sghia
Yazin Shilleh*
Cristian Sorto*
Leanne Tormey
Alana Wilson*
Wayne Winsley*
Arianna Zepeda
*Staff members of a signed organization
Contact the Danbury Collective Executive Director, Melissa Hannequin, at: melissa.hannequin@unitedwaycwc.org or 203-826-8299.
To read Melissa's bio, click HERE.