ALICE Advocate - March 24, 2025 Edition


CT Child Tax Credit 

Raising kids is expensive, and families need all the help they can get. That’s where the Child Tax Credit comes in. And it’s not a new idea — the federal Child Tax Credit has been helping families since 1997, and we know it works.   

But Connecticut doesn’t have a state-level Child Tax Credit — yet. That’s why we’re pushing for it at the Capitol this session. A state Child Tax Credit will provide direct financial relief to working families, helping them afford essentials like food, child care utilities and school supplies.  

Tax credits like these help families afford the basics while keeping money circulating in our local economy. In UWCWC’s region alone, 60,000 families could benefit, infusing an estimated $69M into the local economy. 

Let’s keep the momentum going! Contact Your Legislators NOW 

  1. Add your contact information to automatically email your locally elected state legislators 

  1. Edit the message with your story or ideas — this is very important because they want to hear your perspective. 

  1. Have a few extra minutes? Call your legislator and the Governor to tell them why a Child Tax Credit is important to you.  


Federal Child Tax Credit 

Strengthening the federal CTC is a key policy priority for United Way Worldwide. As Congress debates the extension of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, now is the time to raise our voices and tell our U.S. Representatives and Senators that the CTC be retained and further expanded in this legislation. 

ACTION: Send an e-letter mobilization to your U.S. Representative/Senator and/or tell them how the CTC helps families in your community and encourage them to support a strengthened CTC in the tax bill



CT Mirror’s “In the Room” with Governor Lamont (in person or streaming) 

Wednesday, March 26, 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Millard Auditorium, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117 

Register for the event to hear the Governor discuss his legislative priorities, the state budget and the Administration.  

Check-in and light refreshments at 5:30 p.m. Event begins at 6:00 p.m. 
Free to attend, registration required. Event will be live-streamed as well. 


Opportunity Youth Information Session with the Campaign for Working Connecticut

Friday, March 28, 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Featuring guest speakers from the National Youth Employment Coalition and State of CT's Data and Policy Analytics. Register today! 


All hearings can be viewed on CT-N or each Committee’s YouTube channel. Full CT CGA calendar is available online here.

Monday, March 24th 

Thursday, March 27th  

  • Early Childhood Caucus Meeting, 9:30 am, LOB Rm. 1C  

Friday, March 28th


Disconnected Youth 

At last week’s Education Committee Public Hearing, several students shared their experiences at underfunded schools. More than 100,000 young people in Connecticut aged 14 to 26 are struggling to find their paths. Many face hardships at home, challenges in school and barriers to stable work, leaving them feeling stuck, alone and disconnected. 

UWCT’s Back on Track video series shows what that struggle looks like — and how the right support can change everything. The Campaign for Working CT’s Opportunity Youth Initiative is working to ensure these young people have the tools they need to succeed. 

Bridgeport Prospers Youth Ambassadors Ryan and Jair are featured in the video series, along with students from Stamford’s Domus Vikings program and others across the state. 

Child Tax Credit 

Read CT Mirror’s “Will federal budget cuts sink CT tax break for families?” for helpful context on the CTC. An important detail missing from the article is that unlike other proposals, we could implement the CTC without adjusting the fiscal guardrails by reducing/removing other tax policies, such as the film tax credit or other corporate tax benefits that don’t help families. 

School Meals 

  • Dig deeper into the Community Eligibility Provision, which supports meal programs at our highest need schools and school districts with FRAC and CBPP’s Connecticut CEP Factsheet

Fiscal Guardrails 

Read CT Mirror’s “Lamont’s budget for CT is $230 million short” to learn more about how employee health care costs would push the Governor’s budget over the spending cap next fiscal year   


Connecticut faces severe shortage of housing for low-income residents, according to a new National Low-Income Housing Coalition report outlined by The News Times. 

Have questions? Visit or contact Tida Infahsaeng at