The Stamford Food Collaborative brings together more than two dozen member organizations focused on food security.
Launched in 2015, the Stamford Food Collaborative brings together more than member organizations focused on food security, including pantries, congregate meal providers, nonprofits, public agencies, funders, and faith-based organizations.
Through collaboration, members increase their capacities to better serve their clients, offer more fresh, healthy food, and address the needs of the City’s food-insecure residents. United Way serves as the backbone organization for the Stamford Food Collaborative.
The Stamford Food Collaborative works together to improve access to food, quality of food, and sustainability of food for all members of the greater Danbury community. Members meet on a regular basis to address food insecurity with a focus on food rescue and delivery, client needs and trends, and other shared concerns.
The Stamford Food Collaborative publishes and regularly updates A Guide to Accessing Food in Stamford in multiple languages: English (PDF) Español (PDF)
Launched Food for Thought Campaign in partnership with SC2C, City of Stamford, Stamford Public Schools, and End Hunger CT!
$60,000 in grants awarded during the COVID-19 pandemic to help meet new demand for food and services.
$25,000 in grants awarded to purchase new freezers and refrigerators to store healthy food in the Stamford community.
To find a provider near you, check out our food resources map!
Catholic Charities (pantry, congregate & delivered meals)
Chartwell’s (Stamford Public Schools food services provider)
Children’s Learning Centers of Fairfield County (early childhood education & care, including meals & referrals)
Barbara’s House (grocery delivery)
Christine Dzujna (community volunteer)
Chartwells (school meals provider)
City of Stamford Social Services (SNAP & other social services)
Community Fund of Darien (community partner)
CT Foodshare (CT-wide food bank, mass & drive-thru distribution)
Elayne and James Schoke Family Service of Lower Fairfield County (pantry, meal delivery)
End Hunger Connecticut! (SNAP, school meals & farmers’ markets, CT-wide)
Fairgate Farm (farm market, education, produce distribution for hunger-relief)
Faith Tabernacle Church (pantry)
Filling in the Blanks (youth weekend meals)
Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County (food bank)
Food Rescue US (grocery & meal donation)
Grace Farms Foundation (community partner)
Grind Local (local food delivery)
Jackie's Kidz Culinary Academy/Jackie Robinson Park of Fame (youth culinary education)
Justo Karrell (community volunteer)
Linda Koe (community volunteer)
Meera and Ashok Vasudevan Foundation (community partner)
Neighbor to Neighbor (pantry)
New Covenant Center (pantry, meal services)
Pacific House (pantry, meal services)
Person-to-Person (mobile pantry, pantry)
Revival House (pantry)
Roxbury Elementary School (community partner)
Schilo Seventh Day Adventist Church (pantry)
SilverSource (meal delivery, pantry, grocery shopping assistance)
Salvation Army (pantry)
Stamford Church of Christ (faith-based community collaborator)
Stamford Mutual Aid
Stamford Senior Center (meals services)
St. John’s Lutheran Church (pantry)
Tabernacle of Grace Church (pantry)
UConn Extension (community partner)
UConn Stamford (community partner)
Wilson Food Pantry (pantry)
Women’s Mentoring Network (pantry)
For more information about the Stamford Food Collaborative, contact Tida Infahsaeng at 203-883-0879 or tida.infahsaeng@uwwesternct.org.